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Gentle to animals

Good for animals, made for the practice.

Treating animals well

Safe, gentle and hygienic animal blood collection

As an innovator with decades of experience in human pre-analytics, SARSTEDT offers a multitude of solutions which are also tried and tested in the field of veterinary medicine and focus on hygiene, user friendliness and animal welfare. With blood collection tubes like the S-Monovette®, we set hygienic standards for closed venous blood collection for companion animals such as dogs and cats. For the specific requirements of the smallest patients such as small mammals, birds or reptiles, we also offer suitable solutions for specimen collection.

Test our sophisticated systems and see for yourself their many practical benefits for your daily practice.

Animal blood collection with SARSTEDT. Good for animals, made for the practice.


Pre-analytics in veterinary medicine

Pre-analytics is the key phase in the diagnostic process for every animal, as even with the highest precision of modern analytical equipment, the measured result can only be as good as specimen quality allows.

We can support you with our expertise in pre-analytics and provide you with products to support you in your daily practice. Our goal is to ensure you have more time for the animals and their owners who visit your practice.


Präanalytik mit SARSTEDT
S-Monovette® - closed blood collection for larger companion animals


Closed blood collection for larger companion animals


Multivette® for blood sampling of smaller animals


Relaxed blood collection for small companion animals


Micro needle for blood collection of sensitive animals

Micro needle

Successful blood collection for particularly sensitive animals


S-Monovette und Safety-Kanüle

S-Monovette® – the closed blood collection system

The S-Monovette® blood collection system enables closed blood collection using two techniques. The aspiration technique facilitates blood collection that adjusts to the blood flow, making it gentler. For a high blood flow, the dual system of the S-Monovette® also allows for the conventional vacuum technique for blood collection.

S-Monovette® - closed blood collection for larger companion animals

Gentle animal blood collection

Gentle blood collection with the aspiration technique. For a high blood flow, the dual system of the S-Monovette® also allows for the conventional vacuum technique for blood collection.


S-Monovette sustainability

The sustainable blood collection system

The great advantage of blood collection with an S-Monovette® is that the blood can be taken directly into the correctly prepared sample tube. No extra disposable syringe is needed to transfer the blood sample to other tubes. This saves resources and makes blood collection safer and more hygienic than alternative collection options. 

The more sustainable cardboard packaging also keeps disposal costs and waste volume low.


Make a visit to the vet a positive experience for your patients and their owners

”Today I was back at the vet, but somehow this time it was different: Everything went so smoothly. Before they would just prick me in the leg and then this red liquid would spill out everywhere. But today everything was so quick and nothing went wrong. It must be down to the vet’s new equipment. It can always be like this as far as I’m concerned!"

Lucky, Boxer dog

Multivette® for blood sampling of smaller animals

Multivette® – relaxed blood collection

The Multivette® 600 has been designed and prepared for small blood volumes of 600 μl. Blood is collected in a practically closed state, making use of natural venous pressure. This makes collection extremely simple and gentle. The blood sample can be centrifuged directly in the Multivette® 600. This simplifies blood collection for small animals and saves time. 

Multivette® for blood sampling of smaller animals

Extremely gentle specimen collection

The inner tube, with its special design, is self-filling due to venous pressure and the capillary effect.


Multivette® for blood sampling of smaller animals

Simple animal blood collection

The small inner diameter makes pipetting after centrifugation extremely easy. In addition, the sample can be securely sealed and sent off to the veterinary laboratory.

A gentle solution even for small blood volumes

”Today my tin opener* put me into that box again and took me away. When they finally let me out, they stroked me first. Then something amazing happened: They held this thing on my fur that basically changed colour from white to red, they stroked me again and then I was allowed to go back home. It really wasn’t that bad.”

Bella, Bengal cat

*In cat language, tin opener means “human”


Micro needle for blood collection of sensitive animals

The Micro needle with the micro sample tubes or Microvette®

Especially for very small animals and difficult vein conditions, every drop of blood counts. The special Micro needle ensures that every drop of blood flows into the sample tube and does not clot beforehand. The correct sample tube can be selected according to the expected sample volume.

Micro needle for blood collection of sensitive animals

Successful blood collection

Micro needles combine optimal flow properties and minimal blood loss with no residual volume in the attachment.


Micro sample tubes

Flexible animal blood collection

Micro tubes are ideal for volumes of 1.3 ml. For smaller patients, the Microvette® is the right choice for volumes from 100 µl to 500 µl.

Every drop of blood counts!

”Hi everyone! My mistress was worried as I haven’t felt well for the past few days. My vet first took blood from me to find out why. She used a special needle for me that I barely felt. I really didn’t notice anything. My mistress was also much more relaxed than usual. That must have been because it was over really quickly – she doesn’t like the sight of blood…"

Coco, Female Chihuahua

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Let's work together: Discover the 360° solutions for your pre-analytics

SARSTEDT simplifies your work in practice and laboratory with its coordinated products and systems that are consolidated in the pre-analytical workflow product range. Take advantage of the synergies of our systems to simplify all processes before and after the actual laboratory analysis: collection, transport, receipt and distribution of the specimens in the laboratory. As a leading global provider of pre-analytical solutions and systems, SARSTEDT continuously strives to bring greater reliability and efficiency to your work in pre-analytics.

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